Downtown Chattanooga — River City Company

Downtown is where Chattanooga... Happens

Video Courtesy of Chattanooga Tourism Company

Where do people come to be a part of the energy and excitement of Chattanooga? Downtown! It’s the place to live, play, grow, innovate and plug directly into the source of what makes Chattanooga one of America’s best cities. Where else but Downtown could be both our favorite place to do business and to get down to the business of having fun? Our common ground and gathering place, it’s the one area that truly belongs to all. Simply, Downtown is where Chattanooga… happens.


Find Out Why Moise, Jorge, And Lucky Love Downtown!



The choice is yours in Chattanooga—whether you’re looking to rent an apartment downtown or spread out on your own land, you’ll find competitive pricing, plenty of nearby amenities, and friendly communities. The cost of living tool will show you how far your dollar will go in Chattanooga too!


Chattanooga Data

Find current information about Demographics, Economy, Housing, Livability & Transportation through the online data dashboard.


From healthcare to advanced manufacturing, Chattanooga is home to an impressive roster of companies looking to hire professionals across a wide range of experience levels. Plus, connectivity isn’t a concern since Gig City boasts a 10-gigabit broadband network. Learn about working remote.


Once deemed the “Dirtiest City in America”, Downtown Chattanooga prides itself as being one of the most sustainability-minded cities in the Southeast.

Photo Credit: Chattanooga Tourism Company


That’s right - Downtown Chattanooga has been voted the “Best Outdoor City” TWICE! Additionally in Downtown, you'll discover the Tennessee Aquarium, Double-A baseball and professional league soccer teams along with the Chattanooga Market and much more!

Photo Credit: Chattanooga Tourism Company

Getting Around

With ample parking, wayfinding signage, bike share and a free electric shuttle, you will be able to make your way around Downtown Chattanooga with ease!